Mmmmmm, Cashmere.
More progress in projects to report. I'm working on a pair of wristwarmers/fingerless mittens/whatever you want to call them for the United Way raffle we're having at work. So far I've got one done and the other is about half done.
The evidence (without the ends woven in yet):
They're done in a spiral rib pattern on DPNs, sort of based on the ones in Last Minute Knitted Gifts, but I basically looked at the pattern and figured it out for myself instead of buying the book or getting it from the library. I got the idea when I was prowling my local yarn store and fondling some of the fancier blend yarns, thinking about making a shrug with them. I bought a couple balls of a couple different types to make swatches and then realized I could actually make something out of them instead.
The best thing? The yarn I'm using is a merino/microfibre/cashmere blend. Yes, that's right, cashmere (Rowan Classic Yarns Cashsoft to be specific). For me this is a big deal as a) it wasn't until this store opened last fall that we got such purty yarns as that out here in the boonies and b) it wasn't until I got a job last fall that allows me to afford stuff like that (in moderation) that I actually had the chance to buy nice yarn. Also because it's the texture of yarns I love the most and this is so heavenly soft.
So yes, anyway. I really want a pair of these now. I have a ball of burgundy angora/silk that I got the same day that I'll probably use, though I should probably go back and get another colour that will go with my coat better. Love having my fingers free though--makes it easier to knit outdoors when it's cold. ;-)
The evidence (without the ends woven in yet):
They're done in a spiral rib pattern on DPNs, sort of based on the ones in Last Minute Knitted Gifts, but I basically looked at the pattern and figured it out for myself instead of buying the book or getting it from the library. I got the idea when I was prowling my local yarn store and fondling some of the fancier blend yarns, thinking about making a shrug with them. I bought a couple balls of a couple different types to make swatches and then realized I could actually make something out of them instead.
The best thing? The yarn I'm using is a merino/microfibre/cashmere blend. Yes, that's right, cashmere (Rowan Classic Yarns Cashsoft to be specific). For me this is a big deal as a) it wasn't until this store opened last fall that we got such purty yarns as that out here in the boonies and b) it wasn't until I got a job last fall that allows me to afford stuff like that (in moderation) that I actually had the chance to buy nice yarn. Also because it's the texture of yarns I love the most and this is so heavenly soft.
So yes, anyway. I really want a pair of these now. I have a ball of burgundy angora/silk that I got the same day that I'll probably use, though I should probably go back and get another colour that will go with my coat better. Love having my fingers free though--makes it easier to knit outdoors when it's cold. ;-)