The Debriefing
A recap of my weekend:
Sat. 8:00pm - Check Greyhound schedule. Decide to take 10:40am bus so that I have some time before the 2pm official gathering time to eat/take TTC there.
9:00pm - Realize Mom and Dad are going to church and won't be able to drive me to bus terminal. Also, city buses don't start running until 10:45 am on Sundays. Resolve to take a cab.
9:05pm - Realize that I have no money on me.
Come up with complicated plan to go to convenience store the next morning and pray they're open and the ATM is still there and working.
Sun. 8:30am - wake up, get up, check email, have shower.
9:15am - Sset out for convenience store. ATM is there and working. Success!
9:25am - Return home, do laps around house checking and rechecking that I have everything I want to bring with me.
10:00am - Call cab company #1. No answer. Swear. Call cab company #2, hold breath as phone continues ringig. Someone picks up on the 4th ring.
10:20 - Arrive at bus terminal. Buy ticket. Twiddle thumbs.
10:40am - Get on bus, luckily not crowded so I can listen to podcasts and knit with Very Tiny Pointy Needles without worrying about people hearing me giggle/poking people with needles.
12:00pm - Arrive in T.O. with Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" on iPod. Eat. Head to subway with "The Drop" from the Bourne Supremacy soundtrack playing because it is cool and purposeful sounding and good for running around using public transit.
1:00pm - Arrive at corner of King St. W. and Niagara St. Decide to walk up to Queen and see where the hell I am (please God, close to Romni Wools).
1:10pm - Queen & Niagara and--hey, Romni is just over there! W00T! Browse books, but still do not find copy of "Knitting Vintage Socks" aka That Book I'll Have To Kill Someone To Get.
1:40 - Arrive at Old York, still rather early.
1:45-5:45pm - Meet people, coo over projects, joke around and talk knitting.
This? Is brilliant. Loved meeting so many people and being able to talk about a passion of mine with many like-minded individuals, as well as enjoy the general camraderie. I definitely have to approach the LYS owner here about starting a knitting group, because I really enjoyed the experience yesterday and am envious of all those people who have their weekly S'n'Bs.
6:15 - Arrive at Dundas station, buy ticket home, call parents. Run over to World's Biggest Bookstore. Again not find "Knitting Vintage Socks". Swear.
6:50 - Head over to HMV. Notice sign on door saying they're closing at 7:00. Craaaaap. Hurry over to appropriate bin and grab the second Vienna Teng CD which for some reason store in St. C. never has in stock.
7:00 - Grab munchies for bus, then wait. And wait. And wait. wonder why my arms are cold under my jacket but my bare hands are perfectly toasty.
7:30 - Board bus, start heading home. Have seatmate this time so no pointy sticks.
8:55 - Arrive home in middle of pretty snow squall.
After that it was vegetate in front of TV, then attempt to be coherent on the internet, though the people I was talking with will attest that I was very much not so.
In all, v. busy, but v.v.v. fun day. How long is it until 2008 again?
Labels: a stash of knitters, knitting in public, knitting olympics, yarn crawls